Monday, November 9, 2015

Clinging to Permanance

The rock in the stream has the illusion of permanence, as does the mountain, the valley, the forest, the air, the sun, the moon, and the oceans, yet they are not.  To build a house on a rock is merely to place something that is impermanent onto something else that is impermanent, albeit slower, the end is ultimately the same. The earthquake destroys the rock and sun and tempests destroy the house no matter where it is built.

This week has been a rough one for clinging.  Churches cling to dogma like their existence depends on it.  Love is a word used to describe segregation and make people feel like what they might view as wrong is right, clinging to the firm belief in righteous permanence.  Permanence is what makes us think we continue to be right unflinchingly as the world changes around us, begins to criticize us, and we in turn deem it persecution because we are right,  permanently, like a rock.  I think to seek security in permanence is a form of mindlessness (mindlessness is not stupidity, to me it is more a cessation of self awareness or self determination).  To close the mind to new interpretations.  To doubt our doubts, to shut off thought, isn't this but an illusion of security in the end?

A baby clings to the permanence it believes is it's Mother.  A grown up might cling to a person who claims they literally speak to God for you, and then slowly mutate their image of God to what the man describes.  A merciful God who fulfilled the Mosaic law can become an unmerciful one bent on enforcing rituals, ordinances, and such.  The names don't change, but the content does, this is calling impermanence permanence but it is difficult to believe that impermanence is permanence if one is mindful and considers all sides and history of an issue and looks at results.  Christ taught that by their fruits ye shall know them.  Very wise advice.  Incidentally, fruit is a very impermanent thing, in constant change..

I don't believe these people are bad or inferior, I believe it is a natural part of being human.  Our position on the food chain is dictated by our ability to band together.  There are many ways humans band together and select their leaders.  There is no way not to be a natural man.  Religion is natural,  is there a time that human's have not had it?  Are there not religions all over the earth with members loudly proclaiming they know it is true,  and in some cases even killing themselves to show the depth of their conviction?  Even many animals have instincts which could be construed as a distant relative of religion.  I can't tell you that the people are unhappy or happy as a result, that is something only they know.

When we delegate our mindfulness to others,   we give them authority over us, that in itself can be a problem.  Conversely, it's human nature to have power go to your head and get caught up in it even if you originally started out as the altruistic rebel trying to topple the tyranny and dogma.  Sooner or later the rebel discovers the usefulness of dogma and we are back where we started.

In the end we are all connected.  Those who desire, those who attempt to minimize it, those who embrace the concept of permanence, those who come to grips with the aspects of impermanence,  we will all come to the same end.  We will all mix our atoms with the earth and more largely the universe.  There is no way not to be part of it.  Some of us will be more successful in limiting the impact of suffering and some won't, by chance, or by choice.  Understanding the nature of impermanence, I will err on the side of causing as little suffering as I can.

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