Sunday, June 7, 2015

Beauty in the Flowers of Another Garden

     As Vision says at the end of the second Avenger's movie, "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts" stating why the humans are worth sparing.  He also makes mention of their mis-perception that order and chaos are opposed which seemed a very Buddhist thing to say.  I find that this sentiment is helpful in appreciating those who may hold different views.   Appreciating the beauty of what they are even though I might disagree.  I had good practice today as it was fast Sunday.
     One can appreciate the flowers of another gardener even though those flowers were not grown by us or might not even be our favorite.  We can appreciate them for what they are.  The man who gets up to talk about the destruction in the last days,  he is very fervent.  He pours forth his heart to all within earshot and ends.  The woman who gets up and talks of the trials she has and the word of God as a two edged sword.  She is sincere,  sincerity is something beautiful even if we disagree.  Another woman with an illness that should have taken her by now expresses gratitude to God that she has lived.   Gratitude is beautiful, and so is devotion to a being of compassion and love.  Flowers blooming on the pulpit.
     I cannot change nor should I, the thoughts and beliefs of others, but I can appreciate their sincerity.  Each month much is the same and yet individualized in nuanced ways within the tolerated spectrum of ideas.  The youth talk about their experiences at camp which touched them deeply.  They are also quite sincere and were obviously quite touched.  They are learning to care and feel cared about.  This is beautiful.  I don't have to agree with them to behold beauty.  I can appreciate beauty in the form even though I might not agree with the content.
     I think this concept is compatible with the principle of non-judgement.  Seeking to understand rather than judge.  Understanding we are all part of a greater whole.  There is a danger in becoming arrogant in this non-judgement of course.  One must not believe that their way is superior to the others as everyone is different and has different experiences.  Each psyche is a mental fingerprint and each has different needs.  There is not one solution for all I believe and I know many will disagree with this and that is fine.  Perhaps they need to believe that to carry on.  I suppose this also is a flower of sorts.
     People coping with life in the best ways they can find,  blooming in their own way.  To some this might be clinging to the concept of permanence in things and solid eternal foundations.  To others this might be impermanence and the constantly changing form of life and the universe.  Each has specific needs.  I find peace in solitude and interaction with others is often painful mentally, so this concept of letting go is of great benefit to me.  Others feed off interactions with others and so permanence in those relationships is of great importance.
     Each flower is different.  Each flower changes and blooms in it's season.  All are beautiful in their individual ways.  All can be appreciated with a bit of non-judgement and a bit of focus on the present moment and not their future or their past.  So I continue to practice,  and perhaps maybe, I may find more contentment in mixing with those who I might disagree with.  I may be wrong,  but I must live for today and not die for tomorrow.  I know many will disagree with that.  That's fine.  I hope we can still be friends.

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