Am I better than others? Of course almost everyone says no to this, but do our actions match? To try to bring someone to your side, to condemn another, to take offence, to subjigate, to preach, there are many ways we can place ourselves above another through our actions despite what we think of ourselves. I often am tempted to take offense at others beliefs thinking they are being forced on me as I work to fit in with a system I don't completely agree with anymore.
Am I harmless? To others? To Myself? I am in constant practice. Practicing accepting others opinions and experiences as valid even though they may differ from mine. Have I been successful? Well, uh, no. I AM making progress though. Why do I often feel threatened by others with different viewpoints which may be extremely fulfilling to them, though I may have had a different experience? What makes me so darn special that I should know what is best for everyone else by a perspective generated through my own personal lense? Nothing.
So knowing this, why is it so hard? I don't think I am alone in this, the world is full of it I think, to the point of people killing each other in the most extreme extents. Is freedom of religion the freedom for everyone to be different, or is it the freedom for everyone to eventually come to the light of my unrestricted belief? I think this is the core. The understanding that what works for me may not work for you and that is fine. With this ingrained, perhaps taking offense would be easier to avoid. Perhaps I would feel less threatened by other's opinions. Perhaps I could peacefully coexist and still be different. Afterall, there is no gun to my head, there is no inquisition, there is goodwill, there is good intent even though I may at times consider it misguided. Would it be different if everyone was aware of my beliefs other than a few? I would hope not. Eventually we will see I suppose as nothing lasts forever, perhaps even time.
Of course what others think, should not cause me anguish unless they are inflicting real harm on myself or another. Most things have exceptions after all, even if they might be extremely rare. Harmlessness is coexistence in peace with our fellow beings and ourselves. When I stop desiring others to be like me, perhaps I will be killing two birds with one stone (pardon the expression), exhibiting harmlessness to others, and in turn myself.